School News Sardam Students Engage in Football Competition Students in grades 8 to 10 at Sardam International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan, participated in a... Students and Teachers Visit Korek Mountain Grade 9 students, along with their teachers, of Sardam International School, a SABIS® PPP school, visited Korek... Students Engage in SLO® Activities Students in grades 2-9 at Sardam International School, a SABIS® PPP school, participated in many activities in the... Students Visit and Give Gifts to Special Needs Children Grade 6-9 students from Sardam International School, a SABIS® PPP school, visited and gave gifts to special needs... Sardam Students Build Architectural Dream Land Students in grades 5-9 at Sardam International School, a SABIS® PPP school, built their own architectural dream land... Sardam Organize Football Competition On Saturday, October 26, 2013, grades 5, 6, and 7 students from the Sardam International School, a member of the... Students Develop Photography Skills in SLO® Grade 7-9 students at Sardam International School, a SABIS® PPP school, got to develop their camera skills during... New Students at Sardam Receive Academic Support New students in grades 5-9 at Sardam International School, a SABIS® PPP school, received academic support from... Sardam Students Participate in Reuse, Reduce, Recycle Exhibition Students in grades 6-9 at Sardam International School, a SABIS® PPP school, took part in an event called Reuse,... Grade 2 Students Enjoy Costume Party at Sardam International School Grade 2 students at Sardam International School, a SABIS® PPP school, had a costume party on October 17, 2015. < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 >