Sardam Students Participate in ISC-Erbil Annual Sports Event
On April 7, 2018, students in grades 7 to 11 in Sardam International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan, participated in the ISC-Erbil, a SABIS® private school, annual sports event.
Students and teachers from Sardam took the bus over to ISC-Erbil to participate in the football marathon. The Sardam team won second place and got to take home a trophy and medals for the players.
Sports events, like this one, provide a wonderful opportunity for students to socialize with students in other schools in a friendly environment. It is also important to participate in competitions that can motivate students to work hard and together as a team. “We are very proud of having the opportunity to show our talent to students in other schools and we had a great time doing so,” said a student.
To visit the gallery of the event, please click here